How to increase height naturally

Height is an essential factor that determines the overall personality of an individual. Though being short does not in any way undermine an individual’s capabilities, it’s a fact that tall people often become the center of attention. Some short statured people not only suffer from a lack of confidence but also face certain difficulties in some aspects of their lives.
So, is increasing one’s height naturally really possible? If yes, how? That is what we are going to see in this post. Keep reading!

  1. Get Proper Sleep.
  2. Indulge In Regular Exercise And Sports.
  3. Practise Yoga.
  4. Maintain Correct Posture.
  5. Have A Balanced Diet.
  6. Avoid Growth Stunting Factors.
  7. Develop A Strong Immune System.
  8. Ask For Medical Aid.

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Regular exercise has many benefits. It strengthens your muscles and bones, helps you to maintain a healthy weight, and promotes HGH production.
Children in school should get at least an hour of exercise a day. During this time, they should focus on:
  • strength-building exercises, such as pushups or situps
  • flexibility exercises, such as yoga
  • aerobic activities, such as playing tag, jumping rope, or biking
Exercising as an adult has its benefits, too. In addition to helping you maintain your overall health, it can also help reduce your risk of osteoporosis. This condition occurs when your bones become weak or brittle, resulting in bone density loss. This can cause you to “shrink.”
To reduce your risk, try walking, playing tennis, or practicing yoga several times a week.

Use yoga to maximize your height

If targeted posture exercises aren’t your thing, give yoga a try. This whole-body practice can strengthen your muscles, align your body, and help with your posture. This will help you stand taller.
You can practice yoga in the comfort of your own home or in a group setting at your local gym or studio. If you aren’t sure where to start, search for a beginner yoga routine on YouTube.
Some popular poses to improve posture include:

1. Take Ashwagandha

According to Ayurveda, ashwagandha (scientific name: Withania somnifera), also known as Indian ginseng, helps increase height.
Ashwagandha contains various minerals that broaden the bone skeleton as well as its density. This in turn increases your height. You can easily find ashwagandha in an herbal store.
  1. Mix two tablespoons of ashwagandha powder in a glass of warm cow’s milk.
  2. Add sugar or jaggery according to your taste and mix well.
  3. Drink it every night before going to bed, at least for 45 days to increase your height.
Note: For this remedy to work, you must avoid fast food completely.

Enjoy Sunlight

Sunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D, a key nutrient needed for overall growth, including maximum height. When your body does not get enough vitamin D, you can have weak bones as well as less height. To make sure your body gets the required amount of this vitamin, spend 20 to 30 minutes daily in the sunlight.
Go out in the sun during early morning or evening hours to give your body vitamin D with minimal exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays.
Along with sunlight, you can get vitamin D from milk, cheese, eggs, oily fish, and fortified foods.

Drink Plenty of Water

Try to drink ample amounts of water throughout the day. Water flushes out harmful toxins from your body and improves digestion. Plus, it will improve your metabolism rate, which will have a direct impact on your height.
For overall health, drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Along with drinking water, eat water-based fruits and vegetables like cucumbers and watermelon
Additional Tips:
  • Try to maintain ideal body weight as obesity can have an adverse effect on your height.
  • Stop smoking as it acts like a growth inhibitor.
  • Avoid drinking as it suppresses your growth level.
  • Avoid eating fast foods.
